Thursday, January 15, 2009

Prac­tic­ing Hos­pi­tal­ity: The Joy of Serv­ing Others

This is a subject near and dear to my heart...

Prac­tic­ing Hos­pi­tal­ity: The Joy of Serv­ing Others by Pat Ennis & Lisa Tat­lock will assist you in ful­fill­ing this com­mand through sup­ply­ing you with the vision and excite­ment to see how you can take part in extend­ing His king­dom by simply open­ing your home and life to others. The authors delve into topics of extend­ing hos­pi­tal­ity first and fore­most to your own family, keep­ing your house­hold man­aged so you can be pre­pared for hos­pi­tal­ity, in addi­tion to a wealth of ideas, recipes and resources for all aspects of serv­ing others. This book is for single and mar­ried indi­vid­u­als alike as the authors pro­vide tan­gi­ble ideas for both audi­ences on how to ful­fill this command.
Please join us for our upcom­ing book study using Prac­tic­ing Hos­pi­tal­ity. Our study has been extended to begin on Feb­ru­ary 1st, and we will read one chap­ter each week and have a dis­cus­sion posted weekly on Mon­days after the con­clu­sion of each chap­ter, so order your copy today!

If you're interested in the study...go here!
They also have a giveaway going on until Friday the 16th. :)

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