Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring Really Is Bustin' Out All Over!

We planted things pretty early this year as it got warm early

Everything is doing well and is pretty established

We put a flag out that we snagged at a yard sale last year :)

These look purple, but they aren't they're BLUE

These tiny white flowers pictured above are actually growing on my moss!
It was taken really, really close up

My herbs in the pot are really thriving, tomato plant too!
(Cherry tomato)

Our blackberry plant has lots of blooms!

Our cranberry did too--the flowers are almost gone though
I waited too long to take a pic!

Cukes are getting some mature leaves

Brad's lettuce is so lush and green

Strawberries are being picked already

I really like the strawberry picture above

Briana's foxgloves above
and chamomile below are both blooming

I've had a hard time getting these squash plants going :/

This watermelon plant has speckled leaves, and the watermelon will
be speckled's called Moon and Stars

Think I'll get any peaches off my new tree?

We planted these table grapes last year...can't wait to see what they're going to do!
The guys have to build me a trellis yet...

Hope your Spring is off to a good start!

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
Psalm 98:4

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