Thursday, March 4, 2010

Snow Family !

This guy on our mailbox wasn't the only snowman in town...
In our backyard, we had a whole "Snow Family"!
Above Bri gets started on hers...
Daddy collects the Limbs hee hee hee
Consulting over the details...
Brad gets in on the action too
(Brad always does things BIG)
Bri doing detail work
Brad is working on "Me"!
Bri's self-scuplture
Bri and Daddy with "Me"
Don't you think they look alike!?
Here we all are with our "Look Alikes"
Bri looks scary here! LOL 
Brad's guy is good, but a little too short!
Chippy steals Brad's glove
(Maybe he's mad because they didn't make a Snow DOG!?)
He's giving it a good shake--taking out his anger over the lack of Snow Dogs?
He's so cute--we could never hope to duplicate him! :)

I saw this on another site...maybe next time!? :)

BTW, a few days later...after milder temps, we were in a sad state!
What a motley looking bunch! LOL

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