Friday, November 2, 2012

Choosing Thankfulness

I've learned a lot of lessons over the last year of my illness.
But, one of the biggest things I learned about myself, is that I lacked thankfulness!
Another thing I learned, is that I really do have a lot to be thankful FOR!

Not only that, but, I also learned that thankfulness to God is a command--and, a choice.
So now, I purposely try to choose to be thankful daily.

I started keeping a thankfulness journal last year, and now I'm up to over 1300 thankfulness entries!
When I feel down, I can pick that journal up, and have a tangible reminder of all the blessings that
God has bestowed on me. :)

November is such a wonderul month--kind of dedicated to thanksgiving.
I hope it's a wonderful time of reflection for us all as we consider the blessing God has poured forth on us!

There's always something to be thankful to God for!

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