Sunday, August 12, 2012

This and That

July kind of just escaped didn't it?
It flew by for me as these summer months usually do!
Before it's too distant a memory, I wanted to share some of the pics I took (and Bri too)
Our hydrangea bush has been generously giving us flowers all summer long!
It has been a beautiful blessing!

We had the privilege of attending my niece Aspyn's wedding shower-so lovely
to see her and share in her happiness!
Bri gave her this apron
 (it has her new initials embroidered on the front pocket)

We have enjoyed some lovely visit with friends over the summer
This pic is actually from June, but I love these dear folks!
So, I'm slipping it in here too!

This little guy was on one of my plants, I couldn't resist snapping a pic of him
A katydid.

Our Bingley baby got his first haircut
How cute is that!?

Chippy and Bingley just chillin'

My wonderful husband labored hard to bring us
the biggest cantaloupe

These swallowtail caterpillars LOVE my parsley
so I planted lots of extra to share.
God's creatures are so fascinating aren't they?
Whether big or small :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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This Blog is awesome... This is a good Blog.....This is That....