Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ten Commandments for Wives

Ten Commandments for Wives

I. Honor thy own womanhood, that thy days may be long in the house which thy husband provideth for thee.

II. Expect not thy husband to give thee as many luxuries as thy father hath given thee after many years of hard labor and economies.

III. Forget not the virtue of good humor, for verily all that a man hath will he give for a woman's smile.

IV. Thou shalt not nag.

V. Thou shalt coddle thy husband, for verily every man loveth to be fussed over.

VI. Remember that the frank approval of thy husband is worth more to thee than the sidelong glances of many strangers.

VII. Forget not the grace of cleanliness and good dressing.

VIII. Permit no one to assure thee that thou art having a hard time of it: neither thy mother, nor thy sister, nor thy maiden aunt, nor any of thy kinfold. Thou shalt not let another disparage thy husband.

IX. Keep thy home with all diligence, for out of it cometh the joys of thine old age.

X. Commit thy ways unto the Lord thy God, and thy children shall rise up and call thee blessed.

~Lucibel VanAtta

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