Thursday, June 5, 2008

Our Maddie

Well, for those of you who had read my earlier post sharing that our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Maddie has Mitral Valve issues with her heart...I just wanted to post an update letting you know that she is doing well on the meds.

We are concerned though as the temps here are supposed to be in the upper 90's, and that is very dangerous for her....

But we are happy to report that she is doing well as you can see from the pics--taken a few days ago. :0)



Rachel's Journal Pages said...

Gorgeous dog - very cute photos. How long have you been following Christ for? I think that you are a very brave mum to homeschool - I imagine that it is a lot more well-known and popular in the US than here in Australia.

Sharri said...

Hi Rachel--so nice to meet you! :0)

I received Christ as my Savior when I was a teenager--so it's been about 30 years! I love Him more everyday!

I have been homeschooling for 12+ years, and only knew one person who was hser before I jumped in and did it. It's been a wonderful experience for all of us--and I wouldn't trade it!
It is becoming very popular here in the US as our schools are not very good.
I look forward to reading your blog--esp. about your ebay business!
Thanks for taking the time to write--all the way from Australia! Wait until I tell my dd--she'll croak! LOL