Sunday, August 30, 2009


I just love, love, love freebies! And so, going to the Teacher Appreciation Days at Staples and Office Depot are one way to get me revved up about starting a new school year...because I always come away with cool freebies!

The picture above is the load I brought home this year!

Everything from pencils, to markers...tablest...bulldog clips (that were so cute!)...pushpins and lots more!

So much fun! AND, they gave us Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches for breakfast, along with yummy pastries and muffins too! Gotta love that!

AND, if God didn't bless me enough with all of that, He also allowed my ticket to be pulled in the drawing (each teacher gets one when you pick up your freebie)--I won this very, cool electric stapler! woo hoo! Probably valued at about $35-40!

Dig this cool blue power indicator light? Wow!
Anyway, I'm just sharing the praise that I was blessed by God through these two companies--thanks for the goodies!

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